Red Ginger hair

The red hair color, when natural, is extremely precious and rare. Because only 2% of the population of the planet has it in its genes. Since, the technique has obviously allowed to copy and decline it, but being a real red hair, remains in itself a beautiful eccentricity.

Red Ginger hair

Red hair

People of western and northern Europe have genetically developed it more. It is due to the presence of a specific gene on chromosome 16, which has the effect of causing a capillary mutation. The presence of the pheomelanin pigment is then very concentrated.

This goes hand in hand with skin tones and often very bright eyes. The epidermis is dotted with so-called freckles and the sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is exacerbated.

The red color can go from very light to more flamboyant, like bright orange, coppery burgundy but can also display all glowing colors of the sun and light.

This peculiar hair color was as much praised as it was decried and banished over centuries, according to beliefs, people and rites. Since Ramses, known as the "Red Pharaoh" then King David, Ancient Greece, the Gauls, the famous red heads have marked the history of their personality.

In the Middle Ages some were burned for acquaintance with the devil. Some said that they had no soul. Considered as atypical heroes in certain places and communities, they were also removed from their pedestal or their functions because of the curses and powers that their incredible hair color conferred them.

The red has always intrigued when it did not simply frighten, as coming from a strange lineage of dominants or wizards.

There is a high concentration of red hair among Celtic people, Irish, Scottish, English, but also Scandinavian and Germanic. Some Kabyles from Algeria and Morocco also wear it proudly, maintained by permanent henna care that reinforces this natural color and emphasizes an unusual skin tone in this region of the world.

The red, the color of beasts and fire, symbolizes strength, vigor, passion. It will never end to challenge, without being able to be discreet or disappear into the capillary mass.

It sits alongside the sun, lights fires, feeds improbable and incredible legends.

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